Thursday, April 29, 2010

Visual Research Wk5

So this is an image I looked at this week while exploring festival posters out there.
I really like it.
I see reaching for new heights & freedom here.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Poster #3 "personal works" Wk5

This poster had a lot of direction. It follows the guidelines for a festival poster entry, although I didn't enter the poster.
The background is a simple painting print, with overlays of text. I really like the final results here, and feel that having direction really does help one produce something of higher quality.

Poster 2 Wk5

Take two on the poster. Kinda silly, but fun.

Poster1 Wk5

This is my first poster project. I am not really liking it so much, especially when I had such an interesting idea and image in my head. I wanted to add some skeletons under ground and I probably should have erased "the kiss that bites" because it blows, but....better luck next time, right. The tree was actually kinda fun, I think I might like to work on this in the future. Until then, watch out.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Personal Image...well sort of. Wk4

So this is a photo I took of a large billboard between here and Talent. I like it.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Visual Research Wk4

The tree of life is a universally used, spiritual symbol of life its self. It has been found in many cultures across time.
The tree is a symbol of love, wisdom,rebirth, strength, redemption, friendship, bounty and encouragement. It also represents the interconnectedness of all life on our planet.


So these are two of the projects I worked on in lab this week. The first one feels really crazy to me, I don't much like it.
The second Image is much better, it has a more pleasant and appealing quality.
Neither one was planned, they just happened.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Personal Research Wk3

This is a photo I took through a window with the focus on the reflection.

Visual Research Wk3

In my opinion Michael Parkes creates some of the most interesting magical dreamscape paintings in the world. I love this piece.
What I see:
A juggling magician walking a tight rope while entertaining a young woman perched on a cliff. He's got his cat also walking the rope. It's a beautiful day up above the clouds in the world of dreams...the world of Michael Parkes.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Alphabet Soup Wk3

So This was pretty fun....There really are letters everywhere. Take a look.
This is of course a most wonderful way to experience the results of ,"if you change the way you look at things the things you look at change."

I used my phone camera to capture all these images/letters in nature. I found the letters P, H, B, X, U, and R.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Picturing the other Wk2

Someone Else
I took this photo from about 4ft off the ground, and included the barbed wire for the harsh quality. The light seems to be a bit off, but I like the composition otherwise.

Straight forward, from above I think it makes my face look long.

A Friend

Visual Research Wk2

What do I see: Multiples of Tori Amos, A Marble Table, Red Shoes, Chairs. This Image Feels like a conversation with ones self, or maybe some type of internal battle to me.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Personal Image Wk2

~Playing with Self~

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Self Portrait #2

This is an image I created by layering four different photos.
I was trying to create a mystical or magical element.